app thermal chain innovation // rebranding
designed in collaboration with rafaela abreu
developed at mojobrands (2020)
APP is a Portuguese company that through its solutions and consultancy services, helps countless companies to distribute, store and export their products safely and effectively, even in extreme situations.
The Concept :
It’s ability to adapt to the needs of each product, and preserve it in perfect condition under any temperature, is the what makes APP stand out. It’s new identity was inspired by this very characteristic.
app thermal chain innovation // rebranding
designed in collaboration with rafaela abreu
developed at mojobrands (2020)
APP is a Portuguese company that through its solutions and consultancy services, helps countless companies to distribute, store and export their products safely and effectively, even in extreme situations.
The Concept :
It’s ability to adapt to the needs of each product, and preserve it in perfect condition under any temperature, is the what makes APP stand out. It’s new identity was inspired by this very characteristic.